The Day The Sun Didn't Rise

One day the sun doesn't rise at its appointed time. All life on Earth goes in to a panic mode. Dogs start howling, humans are anxious, birds gather in huge groups blanketing the sky. Worried about what's happening on Earth, the moon and the stars go to check on the Sun. 

"Do you think the Sun is in danger?" asked the Stars. Moon tried to keep calm though it was thinking the same thought. "Let's hope not", Moon answered as it knocked the door. 

Sun answered, looking a bit pale. "Oh thank goodness, you're all ok", the Stars & Moon heaved a huge sigh of relief. "Everybody is so worried about you, Sun". 

"I am not ok", Sun said sadly as it let Stars and Moon into it's house. "I don't know why but I don't feel ok."

"What do you mean?", asked the Stars, "Are you running out of Hydrogen?". 

"Calm down Stars, Sun won't be running out of Hydrogen for a few billion years", Moon replied. Looking at the Sun, she asked "Sun, what's the matter? Why don't you feel ok?"

Sun sat with droopy shoulders across the table from Moon and Stars. He knew his friends were worried about him and wanted to make him feel better but didn't know how to answer Moon's question. 

"May be I'm tired Moon, I don't know. I just didn't feel like rising today. I do the same thing everyday, I rise in the East, set in the West day after day. It just feels so pointless to me.", Sun replied in a low voice, it's aura a dim shade of orange. "How do you do it? Don't you feel bored with what you do? Night after night?", Sun asked looking up.  

Stars and Moon feel relieved for the first time since morning. They look at each other and break in to a small smile. Sun, noticing the smile on his friends face thinks they're laughing at him. His aura changes to a red, he feels ashamed and angry for letting his guard down and sharing his feelings. 

"No no, don't get us wrong Sun," Stars said noticing the change in aura, "We're not laughing at you. It is totally normal to feel what you feel. We feel it time to time too. Moon and I are happy you shared this with us. You should have told us sooner!".

"You feel it too?", Sun looked confused, "So how do you overcome the feeling? Does it go away?". 

"It may or may not go away, Sun", the Moon answered slowly. His warm light was mesmerizing and the effect was cooling Sun down. The deep red aura began changing back into a dim orange. 

"Oh", answered the Sun sadly, "So I will continue to feel this way indefinitely then?". 

"Indefinite is a long time, Sun", answered the Stars sparkling brightly. "We don't know if the feeling can go away but we do know what we can do in response whenever you feel low. And we can share the tips with you". 

Moon chirped in, "That's right. Stars, why don't you tell Sun how you cope with your feelings when you're feeling low?". 

"You have to be kinder to yourself when you're not feeling ok Sun. I am kinder to myself by taking help", Stars announced. Sun looked confused "Help? Help how? There's nobody to replace you!". 

"Yes I am irreplaceable and have a unique responsibility. But I am talking about seeking a substitute on sometimes. There are some nights when I feel low or need some time off". Stars continued, "For example, some nights I ask the clouds to step in and cover the sky in beautiful patterns. Other nights, the Moon shines so bright in a clear sky, that people don't mind if I'm not seen". 

"And on the nights when I don't feel like showing up, Stars does the same for me. When people see a brightly lit up night sky, they don't even miss me", replied the Moon. "It's important to know who can support you on the days you don't fully feel yourself. Did you ever try asking for help from the clouds?".

"Well, sometimes the clouds cover me, but I never thought I could proactively ask for help", replied the Sun, wondering why it didn't think of such a simple solution. 

Moon and Stars smiled knowingly, "It's ok, we all learn to ask for help at some point. It doesn't come easy to us, but we must know when to lean in to our support systems like our family and friends".

Sun brightened at the idea but a frown appeared on his face as he seemed to be perplexed by another thought. "What are you thinking?" asked the Stars. 

"Is it sustainable? Asking for help all the time? I can't ask clouds to cover for me all the time", Sun responded, shoulders drooping again.

"That's a very considerate thought, Sun" replied the Moon with a warm smile. "There's another solution, a long term one, and you need to work at it consistently. Lean in and I'll tell you all about it". 

Sun's curiosity was aroused, he leaned it to listen intently. "You need to find happiness in the things you do. You must anchor your purpose for that."

"Anchor my purpose?", slowly replied the Sun a little perplexed. 

"Yes, what is your purpose Sun?", asked Moon looking kindly. "My purpose is to rise every morning and set every evening?" replied the Sun, hesitating a bit. 

"No, that's what you do. It's your job and your responsibility. Your purpose is bigger than that. Your purpose is what you intend to do while being true to yourself".

Looking at the confusion on Sun's face, Stars chipped in, "For example, I find purpose in making others happy. Every night I look at people on Earth look up at me in wonder, as if I'm magic!"

Sun could see the Stars twinkling brightly as they talked about their purpose. 

"And my purpose is to inspire all those who look up to me. I inspire painters, poets and parents alike with beautiful art and stories."

Sun looked hopeful, there was a hint of bright orange aura for the first time that day. "I like seeing life on Earth thrive with sunshine. Flowers blooming in spring, people tilling their lands and sowing seeds in the hope of a full harvest, animals basking in the sun - these are some of the things that make me happy about my job". Sun was turning brighter by the second. Moon and Stars smiled knowing they were successful. 

"So the next time you rise, be mindful of taking these sights in. Watch how you are fulfilling your purpose and see if you can do better", suggested Moon. 

Sun nodded enthusiastically, "Wow, I feel so much better. Talking to you two has given me new perspective to my problem." 

"Atta boy, now let's rise and shine then?", said the Stars looking happy and proud. 

"Rise and Shine it is. Life on Earth, here I come", said the Sun as it left it's home. 


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